Tuesday, December 7, 2010

News for the Santa Clara (CA) OMG Meeting

This OMG meeting we should finally be voting on the the C++ and Java API an also run an interoperability demo with a few other DDS vendors. In a few minutes I'll be presenting the slides on the latest version of the submission and then hopefully move to discussing the submission with the Architectural Board and eventually vote for adoption on Thursday -- I'll post any relevant update.

During this meeting we'll also be running another interoperability demo. We did some some testing last night and everything is working just fine. The demo is planned for Wednesday the 8th of December during the DDS PSIG meeting.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My take on the new DDS C++ PSM

It has been a while since we've started the standardization of a new C++ API for DDS (namely the ISO C++ PSM for DDS). Now we are getting close, on principle the standard should be voted during the September meeting, yet there are still a few points to resolve among submitters. If I look back at the IDL-derived C++ API and what will be the new, SimD-inspired, API I believe the result is great. In this and subsequent post, I'll share with you an outlook of what our current proposal for the final C++ API standard looks like. Your comments will be useful as they might be able to still influence how the API will look like.

To start with, let's take a look at a simple writer:

int main(int, char**) {
int domainId = 0;

try {
// Create Domain + Topic + Pub
dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(domainID);
dds::topic::Topic<MiB> topic("MessageInABottle", dp);
dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp);

// Create DataWriter
dds::pub::DataWriter<MiB> dw(pub);

// Write Sample
MiB sample(1, "Hello");

// You can write like this...

// ...and like this (and there is more...)
dw << sample;
catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) {
std::cout << e << std::endl;

return 0;

Now we can look at a more "complex" example in which we set custom QoS on the Publisher and DataWriter:

int main(int, char**) {
int domainId = 0;

try {

// Create Domain + Topic + Pub
dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(domainID);

dds::topic::Topic<MiB> topic("MessageInABottle", dp);

// Publisher
dds::qos::PublisherQos pubQos;
dds::qos::Partition partition("TheCoolAPI");
pubQos << partition;

dds::pub::Publisher pub(pubQos, dp);

// Subscriber
dds::qos::SubscriberQos subQos;
subQos << partition;
dds::sub::Subscriber sub(subQos, dp);

dds::qos::DataWriterQos dwQos;
dwQos << Reliable() << TransientDurability();

dds::pub::DataWriter<MiB> dw(topic, dwQos, pub);
MiB mib;
mib.msg() = "ciao";

// You can write like this...

// ...and like this (and there is more...)
dw << mib;

catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) {
std::cout << e << std::endl;

return 0;

That's it for this post. I'll let you know digest the code and perhaps give some comments on how you like it. Next will be a post showing the reader side.


Friday, June 18, 2010

SimD v0.8 now available

I've released SimD v0.8 a few minutes ago. This new version includes a few extensions to the read API, now supporting iterators as well as std::vector and a refactored signal/slot API. Linux and Windows versions are available for download

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Designing Distributed Systems with SCALA and DDS

In the past few months I've been experimenting with Scala a relatively new programming language targeting the JVM (and .NET). Differently from some of the latest programming languages targeting the JVM such as Groovy or Clojure, Scala is statically typed and features a very powerful type system with sophisticated type inference -- meaning that the compiler will infer types for you whenever possible thus limiting the need for typing them explicitly.

Scala provides a well balanced blend of imperative and functional programming mechanism which, I have to admit, seem to always give you the right tool to address a programming challenge in the most elegant manner.

Another very interesting aspect of the language, especially for those that have to deal with large systems, is that it has been designed ground up to be scalable, meaning that Scala supports equally well the development of small applications as well as big systems and system of systems.

Last but not the least, Scala is fully interoperable with Java, meaning that you can reuse Java Classes in Scala applications and viceversa. In summary, if you are a Java programmer, I think, you should definitively take a look at Scala and seriously consider moving to it.

Performance... Right, you might be wondering about Scala's overhead. In my experience in using Scala for distributed applications I've not seen any difference w.r.t. Java. This is consistent with what reported by other Scala users -- Scala matches Java in terms of performance.

Assuming that now you are agreeing that Scala is a great language for developing your next application, and be aware that companies like Twitter, SIEMENS, SONY and many others have taken that route, let's explore why Scala and DDS is a great combination.

There are several reasons why the combination of Scala and DDS is very natural, so let's explore two of those. First, DDS, differently from many other Pub/Sub technologies allows you to preserve the user-defined-types end-to-end. What do I mean with this? If you think about an application in abstract terms, you can think of it as a computation applying operators (or operations) on types. Some of these types might be native to your programming environment, such as Int, String, List, etc., other might be user-defined such as FinancialInstrument, RadarTrack, FlightDataPlan, etc. Programming languages usually give you abstraction to build user defined types and operate over them. DDS, provides you abstractions to distributed user defined types, without loosing type information, across applications in a distributed system. This means, that your application does not have to deal problem of representing user-defined-types into some other type that can be handled by the distribution technology (e.g. a specific JMS Message, or a sequence of bytes) . Applications using DDS always and only deal with user-defined-types. This has some important implications in terms of simplicity, code clarity, efficiency and safety.

As a result when combining Scala and DDS you have a statically typed programming language and distributed middleware that allow you to preserve your type invariants end-to-end.
At this point some people will raise the issue that types get you into troubles when you are trying to extend your system. This is true for inflexible type systems, however both Scala and DDS (with the newly adopted specification on Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types) provide you with structural type system that while preserving all the good properties of a sound type system nicely support type extensibility and evolution.

The second reason why I think that Scala and DDS are a very good combination is that it provides an actor model for building concurrent and distributed applications. The actor model matches very nicely with DDS and provides you an elegant and effective abstraction for building distributed systems.

There are several other reasons that I could list for choosing Scala and DDS for distributed applications. One of the other may is the native support for dependency injection supported by Scala, the other will probably be explored in some future post.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Living in a world of self-proclaimed world leaders

It's some time I don't post on this blog, not so much because I've not had much to say. Anyway, here we are, although it is 21h38 Paris time, I am just done with my second Webcast on "Building Distributed Systems in Scala with OpenSplice DDS" (see http://bit.ly/9A8ew1) and I've not yet had dinner -- I just saw something that is way to funny and could not resist sharing my thoughts.

Well, don't know how you take "self-proclamation" but personally I find it funny not to say a bit ridiculous. People or companies coming up and saying "I am the world best whatever", or "I am the world leader in whatever" just sounds funny to me. Maybe this is cultural, as in my country we believe that it is up to the others to establish if you are the best. As such, the only one who takes the liberty of "self-proclamating" himself (or I should say itself) as the best is Silvio Berlusconi... He, believe it or not, "self-proclaimed" himself the best Prime Minister of the Italian history... I hope that Alcide De Gasperi did not hear him :-)

Anyway, I saw that the habit and attitude toward of "self-proclamation" is spreading (perhaps it is infectious) and after becoming insensitive to those who proclaim themselves as "DDS World Leader" now I saw those who just decided to self-graduate into "Small Footprint DDS world leader".

Don't worry, I am not envy of all these world leaders that seem to appear like mushrooms, and don't worry we won't self-proclaim ourself into anything. Yet, I wonder how these people score in Geography. I start to suspect that their view of the world might be slightly skewed or constrained to a small fraction for the entire globe.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

OpenSpice DDS v5.2

OpenSplice DDS v5.1 introduces a new set of features that further its applicability to Ultra-Large Scales Systems, Dependable Systems and Resource Constrained Systems. This presentation provides an overview of the new key features included in v5.1